My intention is to guide you to wellbeing and growth through movement and mindset practices

Hi, I’m Laura

My wish is for you to share your unique gifts with the world at your fullest potential

I've observed that many people face a common obstacle: a lack of feeling truly free. Too often, people find themselves constrained by fears of judgment, rejection, or not fitting in. This fear is stifling in the ability to authentically express yourself and live your fullest potential. My mission is to help break down these barriers, to create spaces where you feel empowered to embrace your uniqueness, to share your talents boldly, and to thrive in authenticity.

Get out of your head,
start feeling into your body

To empower you in expressing your unique gifts authentically, I use nature immersion, physical movement, and mindset strategies.


Enjoy play and physical movement to encourage self-expression and self-awareness


Learn mindset strategies that help shift perspectives and overcome limitations


Experience how nature immersion reconnects you with the natural world's wisdom

“One of the first conditions of happiness is that the link between man and nature shall not be broken.”

-Leo Tolstoy

Explore group learning experiences or receive tailored individual guidance

I offer diverse opportunities for individuals to work with me, including group classes and workshops for collective growth, outdoor expeditions guided by nature's wisdom, and personalised guidance tailored to individual needs. Whether you seek communal learning experiences, immersive outdoor adventures, or one-on-one support, I'm here to accompany you on your journey towards personal and collective transformation.




We all navigate life's complexities, each facing our own unique challenges. My journey has led me through experiences that have inspired me to support others along their paths, so they needn't reinvent the wheel. For me, this is the essence of our existence: to embrace life's curriculum, learn from its twists and turns, and share those insights with others. It's a process that ignites my deepest passion.

To complement this passion, I've pursued education in various disciplines including mindfulness, meditation, NLP, coaching, and various movement modalities. I am eager to bring this wealth of experience and expertise to assist you in achieving your life's goals.

From one human to another

REstart. REset. Refocus.
Play. create. Explore.


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